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BE Excellent in Your Quest to Get To Know the Meaning of the Cross & Death of Friend Jesus2/17/2021 The Resurrection Changed Everything
This is such an interesting question Jesus asks Martha. Do YOU believe in the resurrection and the life it provides as a believer? Aren’t you curious of Martha's response? What is your response? Today marks the beginning of Lent - the season leading up to Jesus' death and resurrection. Past Rick Warren writes: The resurrection of Jesus changed everything. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is one of the most well-documented events in history. It would stand up in any court of law. In fact, it has — many, many times throughout the centuries.” “The resurrection proves that Jesus is exactly who he claimed to be. He repeatedly said he was the Son of God who came to die for our sins so that we could have life.” “The resurrection proves that there is life after death. Jesus paid the price we could never pay, so eternity in heaven with God is secure for everyone who believes.” "The resurrection proves that Jesus keeps his promises. Jesus promised to defeat death and he did. Since Jesus kept that promise, you can trust in all of his promises.” “Jesus promises eternal life for everyone who believes in him.” “Where else are you going to get a promise like that? Nowhere! Who else can offer you eternal life? No one! If you don’t get it from Jesus, you won’t have it. That is an amazing benefit, and it’s available to you today.” ————————————-- Q & A with Friend Jesus Take a journey through the latter parts of the book of John. Look up the scripture and journal your thoughts. Write your prayer requests out including deeper understanding of our Friend Jesus. Ask yourself: Q: “Do I believe that Jesus is in God the Father and God the Father is in Jesus?” (John 14:10-11) Q: “Do I believe Jesus performed miracles that no one else could ever do?” (Read the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John for eye witness miracles Jesus performed in the name of God the Father) Q: “Do I believe that the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth that can live within us?” (John 14:15-17) Q: “Do I believe Jesus knew he was born to die?” (John 14:19-20) Q: “Do I believe God the Father sent Jesus to earth to be born to die?” (John 14:22-24) Q: “Do I believe in the Trinity - God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit?” (John 14:25-27) Q: “Do I believe in Jesus’ death and power over death - the resurrection?” (John Chapters 20 & 21) Q: “Do you believe that Jesus is a king? Do you believe that his kingdom is not of this world?” (John 18:36) ————————————-- "40-Days of Excellence" Journal CHALLENGE We invite you on a quest to dig deeper and learn about the meaning of the death and resurrection of Friend Jesus. Over the next 40 days (of this Lenten season), join us in this Journal Challenge. You want to "give something up" (we recommend noise in your life: social media, limited news time, etc.). Instead of focusing on what you can't have, let's focus on what we CAN HAVE walking with Jesus through the prophets and disciples through the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Here is What To Do 1) Start by scheduling quiet time into your schedule every day for 40 days. 2) Get a Journal and entitle it: "40 Days of Excellence" 3) Get your Bible out (or use the YouVersion Bible app) and write out the scripture mentioned in the our blogs, (you can go back and review the blog posts from February 15 on). There is a lot, do what you can. 4) Around Day 30, journal what the characteristics of BEcoming an EXCELLENT Christian can look like in your life. We promise you, this will be one of the most enriching studies you can do. BE dedicated, set boundaries, and you will discover EXCELLENCE in God, Friend Jesus and in yourself as a Christian. Please Note: If you are joining us well into the 40 Day Challenge, like God, we will meet you where you are at! No stress. No worries. We're just happy you are coming along for the journey. xo ————————————-- PRAYER Dear Friend Jesus, I realize I do have so many questions about the meaning of your life, death and resurrection. Help me and guide me to understand why you were born to die. Help me to eleviate the noise and clutter in my life and make time for your peace. I know it's up to me. Help me to stay focused on the enriching words in the Bible that tell the story about You. I want to develop a closer relationship with You. People disappoint, but you keep your promises. I pray for your peace and wisdom, not only over the next 40 days, but all the days of my life. ————————————-- INVITATION We would love to walk you through this study with your Bible Study Group. To schedule a virtual or Southern California Bible Study, email us at: [email protected] ————————————-- REFERENCES 1) Life Applications Study Bible (NIV) 2) YouVersion Bible app 3) "Open Doors" A Year of Daily Devotions" (page 17) By: Pastor Rick Warren 4) Blog Written by: Christie Lynch Be Designed to Be
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April 2021